All these photos were processed with a special application I designed and programmed. I forgot a long time ago if I'm a programmer who learned how to make art, or an artist who learned how to code. In a way, I do exactly what many other artists do, copy from reality. But I designed my own brush; I created the process to express myself.
The technique used is called ASCII art, but with the help of new code libraries I took it to the next level. The resulting images are more pictorial than previous text art works.
This allows me to address, from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes literature and photography, the intersection between imitation and representation. In essence, I explore sensorial perception in a game of seduction and distances, in which the spectator must step away to recover the closeness to the images.
I also focus on the unconcealment of the communicational logic underneath the digital technologies, and the underlying code of the digital images.
In the video you can see the application at work.