Outlooks on Digital Art
In 2017 the three authors of the book met at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico) for a conference in the permanent seminar of IGCAAV. During this meeting we shared ideas and insights about digital art. It took little more than two years for this intellectual adventure to end with the publication of this book in 2020. Buy it from Amazon.
The book consists of three chapters: The first one, by Caleb Olvera, develops the theory of Analogic Hermeneutics in it’s application to the study of the digital world, in particular to the concepts of virtuality and body. The second chapter, by Hermann O. Amaya, focuses on the digital image, specifically in the ASCII art, explaining what it is and the relevance it has in the field of digital art. The third and final chapter is a resume of my Masters degree research in which I develop the concept of Artistic Practices of Internet and apply it to the new media art project The Digital Dilettante, that was founded by me when I was teaching in the University of Arts of Cuba.
A quote from Sixto Castro who was kind enough to write the prologue of the book:
Los tres artículos que componen este texto exploran espacios diversos del mismo fenómeno: las artes en la contemporaneidad. De este modo, el libro ofrece claves para interpretar un fenómeno vivo, que escapa a toda definición y que se inserta en el espacio de prácticas sociales que revelan mucho acerca de la cultura en la que toman cuerpo.
An extensive summary of this work can be found in the website of HyperMedia Magazine
About the Authors:
Caleb Olvera Romero
He holds the degrees in Philosophy from the University Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (UAA), Masters degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) and a PhD in Humanities from the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ). He also has studies of psychoanalysis. He was awarded the National Prize of Essay Abigail Bojórquez (2007) and he is a member of the SNI since 2010, he was awarded the support of PACMyC (2008) and the scholarship of the Program for the Encouragement of the Artistic Creation in Aguascalientes (FONCA). He has published more than twenty books and more than 50 articles in international and national magazines.
Hermann Omar Amaya Velasco
He holds a degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Guadalajara, where he also teaches. He graduated with a PhD on Aesthetics from the University of Paris X, Nanterre La Défense. Current student of the Interinstitutional PhD in Art and Culture from the Universidad de Guanajuato. Teacher and designer of online courses in the virtual university system of the Universidad de Guadalajara. He has authored articles and book chapters.
Kevin Beovides Casas
My own resume can be found in the About the Artist page.